دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تبريز - دکتر محمد سمیعی

دکتر محمد سمیعی

واحد سازمانی : دانشکده دندانپزشکی
درجه علمی : استاد
دروس تدریسی : ...
شروع به خدمت :
تحصیلات : دکترای تخصصی
رشته تحصیلی : اندودنتیکس
محل تحصیل :
توضیحات :
تاریخ بروزرسانی : 1400/03/31
آدرس پست الکترونیکی :


سوابق تحصیلی

سوابق تدریس

زمینه های پژوهشی

خلاصه مقالات

1. Ahangari Z, Makaremi A , Samiee M, Yolmeh MA .Antimicrobial effects of   three intracanal irrigants on Enterococcus Faecalis. IADR General Session, Toronto- 2-5 July, 2008.

2.Rahimi S, Mokhtari H, Samiee M, Salem Milani A. Vital pulp therapy: a new challenge. Presented at the 12th international congress of Iranian association of endodontists. Tehran, 2009.

3.Ashraf H, Moradi Majd N, Samiee M, Abdehag M. Evaluation of the attitude towards and awareness of the administraton of prophylactic antibiotics and drug interactions among dental practitioners in Tehran in 2005 Presented at the 12th international congress of Iranian association of endodontists. Tehran, 2009.

4.Yavari HR, Shahi S, Salem Milani A, Reihani MF, Samiee M. Missed anatomy: Prevalence and clinical effects. Presented at the 12th international congress of Iranian association of endodontists. Tehran, 2009.

7. Atabak Kashefi mehr, Masomeh Faramarzi, Farzad Esmaeli, Mohammad Samiei. OCT, new horizon in Dentistry. 2nd Congress of Iranian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.Tehran-Iran.

8. Farhang Mahboub, Elnaz Moslehifard, Mohammad Samiei, Masomeh Faramarzi. Effect of Conventional Fixed prosthetics on the health of periodontium. 9th congress of Iranian Academy of Periodontology.9-11 Dec 2009.Tehran-Iran.

9. Mohammad Samiei, Farhang Mahboub, Elnaz Moslehifard. Regenerative Techniques for treatment of Endodontic and Periodontal Defects. 9th congress of Iranian Academy of Periodontology. 9-11 Dec 2009.Tehran-Iran.

10. Comparison of Apical microleakage in root-end cavities prepared by Ultrasonic and Er Cr: YSGG laser. Presented at the international congress of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) 10 March 2010- Dubai-UAE.

11. Apical microleakage comparison of MTA in root-end cavities prepared by Ultrasonic and Er Cr: YSGG laser. Presented at the international congress of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) 11 March 2010- Dubai-UAE.

12. Coronal microleakage of intraorifice barriers in endodontically treated teeth. International Association for Dental Research(IADR General Session).14-17 July, 2010 – Barcelona- Spain

13. Samiei M, Shahi S, Oonchi M. Apical Microleakage Comparison of Four Root-End Filling Materials. International Association for Dental Research (IADR General Session).16-19 March, 2011-San Diego, California-USA. 

12. Samiei M, Rikhtegaran S, Shakoui S, Taghavi P, Pakdel SMV. Comparison of Root Canal Cleaning Efficacy of Nd:YAG Laser With Conventional Techniques. World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) –European Congress.9-11 June 2011- Rome-Italy.

13. Samiei M, Pakdel F, Pakdel SMV.Apical microleakage of CEM cement in laser prepared root-end cavities. The 6th Annual meeting of the IADR Iranian division, 2011, Tehran-Iran.

14. Pakdel SMV , Samiei M, Aghazadeh M, Aghazadeh Z.Bacterial leakage  evaluation of Single –Cone obturation technique. The 6th Annual meeting of the IADR Iranian division, 2011, Tehran-Iran.

15. Aghazadeh Z, Samiei M, Janani M, Pakdel SMV.Knowledge, Attitude and practice of Tabriz GDPs about root canal irrigants. The 6th Annual meeting of the IADR Iranian division, 2011, Tehran-Iran.

16. Samiei M, Shahi S, Yavari HR.The Antibacterial efficacy of Er, Cr: YSGG laser and 2% Chlorhexidine solution on E.Faecalis in infected root canals. Second Pan Arab Endodontic Conference. Jan 1-3 2012, Dubai-UAE.

17. Samiei M, Pakdel F, Pakdel SMV .Evaluation of the efficacy of dental Lasers during non-surgical endodontic retreatment. Second Pan Arab Endodontic Conference. Jan 1-3 2012, Dubai-UAE.

18. Samiei M, Rahimi  S, Mahmoudi R , Pakdel SMV.Sealing ability of three different thicknesses of Calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM) Cement as a new root-end filling material. Second Pan Arab Endodontic Conference. Jan 1-3 2012, Dubai-UAE.
19. Janani M, Aghbali AA, Samiei M. New techniques of Irrigation and disinfection of root canal system. The 52th Annual international congress of Iranian Dental Association.8-11 may, 2012.Tehran, Iran.

20. Gholizadeh S, Rahimi S, Reyhani MF, Samiei M.Electron microscope Evaluation of formation of Enterococcus faecalis bacterial biofilm on the dentinal canal walls of the root.15th annual congress of the Iranian Association of Endodontics(IAE).14-16 June, 2012. Hamadan,Iran.

21. Samiei M, farhadi F, Yavari HR, Jafari F. Comparative Study of Polymicrobial Microleakage In Intra-orifice Sealing Materials. International Association for Dental Research (IADR /LAR General Session). June 20-23, 2012, Iguacu Falls, Brazil.

کتاب ها

راهنمایی و مشاوره پایان نامه

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عضویت در مجامع علمی و انجمن ها


مقالات ارائه شده

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تدریس دروس اندو نظری و عملی  برای دوره های عمومی دندانپزشکی
همکاری با دیگر اعضای گروه در آموزش دستیاران  تخصصی اندودانتیکس


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مطالعات کلینیکی،  مخصوصا جهت بررسی های هیستولوژیک


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